What We Do



For the horses, this can range from a surrendered animal, to sale yard pens to save the unwanted ones from going to slaughter, or taking on one of the captured wild brumbys to keep it out of the knackery and give it a chance at a good life, safe from harm. For the Greyhounds, we take on surrendered and unwanted dogs to help them on their journey to becoming a pet dog in a family home. A lot of racing greyhounds have not experienced life outside of the kennel and one of the things I love most is showing them the toy basket and telling them they can have them all…..


For some animals rehabilitation will be a smooth and fairly easy journey that they will roll through with their heads held high ready for their forever home. For others, this may be a rough road to take involving intense physical and psychological rehabilitation, vet work, fine tuned nutrition, lots of training and a whole lot of patience to help them in reaching their full potential. I enjoy working with every single animal that comes into my care, from the easy go lucky to the challenging. I like to work out a plan for each animal to suit its personal needs and then implement that plan and watch them flourish and then find their perfect forever home.

THAT is PRICELESS! Bring it on!


All our animals stay here as long as is needed to ensure they can go on and lead successful and happy lives, safe and secure in their new homes forever. Once they are ready, they are listed as up for adoption and then the hard part that I have to be strong about, is saying goodbye once the perfect family is found. BUT knowing that I have given that animal as many skills as I possibly can and built them up to be the best version of themselves so they can go on to lead an amazing life, makes the hard goodbyes beyond worth it. Adopt don’t shop, always! Every animal deserves love, safety, and a full belly (also maybe a couch….)

Get Involved

Adopt or foster one of our animals