Sponsor A Horse

  • Rescuing and rehabilitating horses takes time, sometimes months and sometimes years - it is completely dependent on the individual horse. Some of our longest residents here may never be able to move on safely to a new home due to having such terrible psychological or physical trauma, which is why we have decided to set up a sponsor a horse program so our amazing community can become a part of our horses journey to a healthy and happier life.

    All of our sponsors will receive a Christmas card each year with a picture of their sponsored horse :)

Have more than one favourite? You can sponsor as many horses as you like!

Click on the level of sponsorship you'd like to provide below and then continue to select your horse

Sponsorship - Basic Care $20 per month
A$20.00 every month
Sponsorship - Standard Care $35 per month
A$35.00 every month
Sponsorship - Extra Care - $50 per month
A$50.00 every month
Sponsorship - Special Needs - $100 per month
A$100.00 every month